Yellow forsythia flowers push past the first green leaves and brighten up an early hedge. There have been many four weather days again – heavy cold showers, short bright cloudy sun, bright hot sun and leaden dark clouds all within twenty-four hours.
The fifteenth, the first day od the school Easter holidays was too cold to go Easter egg, window hunting. A real blast from the east blowing around town. All followed by a glorious Eater week-end. Flowers burst our from their sepals and expand in the sunshine. Two photographs of the azalea taken a day apart demonstrates the speed of development.

Fatsia push out new leaves whilst last season’s fruits begin to ripen and tumble in readiness for next autumn and winter. The birds will be grateful.

There’s a real variety of blooms for pollinating insects. It’s been hard work trying to keep up with planting in this difficult soil. It must consist of 50% stone and that doesn’t include the mini boulders and bricks. Not a happy time for arthritis in the wrists. But the possibilities that lie ahead make it all worthwhile.

Whilst mollusc damage is always around, this beautiful, tiny pansy appears to have been nibbled. This week it will be necessary to apply natural nematode potions to deter, molluscs, vine weevil and ants. the ground needs to be warm and moist. It’s warm but the promised rain has not yet

Energising flashes of red rhododendron flowers amongst the green look like tiny flames at dusk, whilst foot scrubbing and attempting to remove topsoil stains from hands with sugar. The later works well, but moisturising skin is difficult. Working with cloth is not a current practice which would be difficult with rough skin. Meditating helps with aches and frustrations of slow progress when there is so much work to do.
The boys (Aled, Wayne, Andrew and Sean), are back with their quality construction work. Devising clever ways of supporting the land and making access more straightforward for all abilities. Their presence disrupts practice plans and thinking time, despite this it is so very much appreciated.

Biting easterly wind and chilling torrents of rain at the end of the month were an unpleasant surprise at the end of the month. Despite this the boys trundled on in the garden, all order disappeared under relocated piles of wood and the demolished shed. However, the slate has now been evenly spread (something which was way beyond my capabilities) and now the landscape can be seen more clearly. This will help in panning new beds.
Seeds still haven’t been planted, but troughs have been filled ready for the maturing broccoli plugs and strawberry offshoots which were taken last year. it is a struggle to keep up with human demands upon the garden and plant needs. I’m fortunate to have gardening support now and then. Emily is a marvel.
Two errant mice which threatened to come inside every time we opened a door had to be relocated. How far away should they be taken to put them off returning. Someone once said that snails can return after a two mile jaunt. Busy birds pluck at an old sheepskin rug and take cat groomed hair out of the ceramic apple. They’re as busy as I need to be – but have energy. I have video clips on my phone and must add them to the website.
Rowan, May, alyssum and wallflower blossoms create divine wafts of soft, billowy fragrances. They almost make up for ingrained dirt in finger nails, sore hands and feet.