The tour (not grand in the least and requiring far more physical effort than I had envisaged), led to looking at familiar places around the university and School of Art in a ‘new light’.

I found it interesting that where individuals had encountered Being as a silhouette out of a specific context, they made up their own stories about conversations, activities and pairings. However, once placed within an environment, aside and not dominating the space, the response was different. People appeared to find Being’s presence calming. This was very pleasing.

And how did Being respond to these places? Letting things be, Being remained impassive.


Here are a few words which described my thoughts

during the preparation of this project.


And was the Grand Tour appreciated?

My angelic status gives me confidence.
I am desired, sought, appreciated, favoured,
One of the chosen.

I have no responsibilities, cares or woes.
Beauty and accomplishments gifted by my creator effortlessly serve the needs of my master – without my intervention.
I simply dream.

This unleashed mind flows wherever it pleases,
Wandering and travelling alongside my spirit.
Fleeting memories of a journey (a pilgrimage of the shells perhaps?), are of no consequence.
As the world makes its histories, I let it be.

Heart-beats rock and soothe,
And I am enveloped by nature.
Moving air, calling birds, salt on lips, water trickling through sand on toes,
All are mere sensations.
In meditation I listen and follow the rhythms of my breath.
Body and mind as one, I simply exist.

I accept things as they are.
I am mindful,
I let things be.
Body and mind as one, simply being.


A gafodd y Daith Fawr ei werthfawrogi?

Mae fy mraint angylaidd yn hybu hyder.
Rwy’n ddymunol, yn deilwng, yn werthfawr, ac yn cael fy ffafrio,
Un o’r rhai a’i ddewiswyd.

Does dim cyfrifoldeb, gofid nac anhwylder i mi.
Mae’r harddwch a chyflawniadau dawnus a roddwyd gan fy nghrewr yn diwallu anghenion fy meistr, heb unrhyw ymyriad oddi wrtha i.
A finnau – dim ond yn breuddwydio.

Llifa fy meddwl lle bynnag y mynna’i,
Yn crwydro a theithio gyda f’ysbryd.
Nid yw atgofion diflanedig o daith (pererindod y cregin efallai?), o unrhyw ganlyniad.
Tra wnaiff y byd ei hanes, mi adawa’i iddo fod.

Siglo a suo mae curiadau calon.
A natur yn f’amgylchu’n llwyr
Symudiad aer, galwad adar, halen ar wefusau, dŵr yn diferu drwy dywod rhwng bysedd troed,
Mae pob dim ond yn deimlad.
Mewn myfyrdod, gwrandaf a dilynaf rythmau fy anadl.
Y corff a’r meddwl fel un, bodoli’n syml yr ydwyf

Derbynaf bethau fel y maent.
Rwy’n ymwybodol.
Rwy’n gadael i bethau fod.
Y corff a’r meddwl fel un, dim ond bodoli.